Is there anything worse then to rescue a dog and then have nowhere to keep him?! To rescue him and have to put him down?!
People inbox me about this dog/ that dog- lets be fair theres an endless supply of homeless, abandoned and abused dogs in South Africa and sadly as they say “you can’t save them all”!
But then there comes a Veterinary secretary, that when faced with the routine operation of putting a homeless dog down, instead reaches out to save his life!
How do you say no to that?!
Meet Sampson, living scared and homeless on the streets of Wolseley since January, finally someone managed to catch his starving self and now …a warm home?…a loving family?…Nope!
Sampson is living alone in a garage with no human interaction and has nowhere to go! Holidays are here, no one is adopting and frankly this rescue is about to become a statistic!
So Cape town is there a home out there for Sampson? He’s aprox 6/7 yr’s old and such a gentle teddybear of a Doglet!
Sampson’s low maintenance, chilled with other dogs, cats and kids, and too shy to look into our camera!
If there isn’t a forever home is there a foster who can keep him for two weeks whilst I return from the UK?
I’d love to write a cute story from Sampson’s perspective, post some happy pictures, bring to life his character that the world hasn’t bothered to notice! But I’m not currently in SA, I can’t save him, you can!!
Please call Adri on 08460 36527 if you can help Sampson, if you can’t help please SHARE!