An urgent phone call came through, the usual “he must be gone today” stuff!
It didn’t prepare me for the sight of a young Husky pup laying on concrete, no shelter/ water in sight, with a two foot chain securing him to the wall though!
“He never stops crying!”….You don’t say!
So here it is, we went, we collected, we have nowhere for him to go!
He’s spending the day at Tangles Grooming Parlour (Sea Point) as he still has his winter coat embedded in him as well as 250+ ticks & fleas, then he’s off to Dr Reena Cotton (Vet Point, Sea Point) for inoculations and to make sure those ticks haven’t got the better of him!
Respect to the businesses who support rescue, please support them right back!
He’s been tried and tested with other dogs, and he’s lovely! Sweet & gentle and wants to play- he’s only 8 months old after all!
He’s not currently neutered, that will be done as soon as he gains some weight- you can’t see it with all that matted fur but he’s skin and bones- we put him outside and he squeezed back in through the burglar bars, he’s that thin!
We’ve called him “Kitty”, purely cus he’s so dinky and gentle!
Kitty needs a family that can work with him, he cowers when you go to pat him so its safe to say he’s not had much love in his life, but he shows no aggression whatsoever and is frankly desperate for cuddles! He’s house trained and gentle with children!
Kitty can’t believe his luck that he gets food AND water AND a bed to lay on! Can we all SHARE him so that it stays that way?
Please call Rachael on 0791 99 22 53 if you can foster/ adopt Kitty!
If you can’t foster/ adopt but would like to help with Kitty’s vets bill please donate.