Hey guys, my names Speedy!
I got handed in at Steri Drive to be put to sleep, my front legs- they just stopped working see.
I’d been pushing myself around the township for over a month when my owner heard Sidewalk Specials were in town, the nice vet drove out to get me.
When I got to the hall I knew I had to show them, show them how very much I wanted to live! So I wagged & wagged my tail & licked every hand that came close.
And it worked, they packed me up with their kit & drove me back to Cape Town!
AtFrits Dog Hotel, Daycare Centre bathed me & Vetpoint said with rehab there was a chance, just a slim one, but still a chance I could be ok!
So here’s me asking- I’ve come so far & I’m trying my bestest- I’m asking if you could donate towards my rehab? I gotta start physio & swim & get a harness and… and well it ain’t gonna be free…