This week we drove thirteen dogs from De Doorns to Cape Town to be sterilised and then returned to their families- a mini Steri Drive if you will!
We thought we’d show you how happy they were to go home and how grateful their families were for your help!
Some of the most offensive comments our videos receive are “dogs shouldn’t be allowed in townships”, “how can they look after a dog if they can’t look after themselves”, “take them all”.
Whilst we promote mass sterilisation as no family, township or otherwise, can afford 15+ dogs, dogs themselves don’t care where they live – they’re not concerned about postcodes. A dog just wants their human!
Massive shout out to Vet Point for opening two hours early every day this week to accommodate us & Halfway Haven for backing us every step of the way!
If you can sponsor a township dogs sterilisation for R450 please use our donation options below- you can even donate the ‘Rescue Leash & Collar‘ back to the dog in question!
Can’t afford a full Steri? Support our work by purchasing a R50 Raffle Ticket!
We’d like to go back and do all this again next week!