We were approached by Jessie’s owner whilst on outreach, he said his dog had been hit by a car and was sick…
X rays indicate Jessie’s accident happened a month ago, most likely after she’d just given birth. Feeding five puppies with a broken spine- what a brave mommy she’s been!
She’s currently on tick bite treatment and pain medication, we will monitor her progress as she gains weight and make a decision based on her level of pain and quality of life. So far she’s wagging her tail and eating like a champ…
Her five little pups: Mango, Litchi, Pawpaw, Kiwi and Avo will be ready for their homes in three weeks time!
If you can offer them or Jessie a forever home please email:
If you can help us with their vet bills please use the donation options below and reference ‘Jessie+5’
Sidewalk Specials is PBO approved and can issue 18A tax certificates for all donations received!
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