Hi guys, I’m Squiggle!
Sidewalk Specials found me on outreach, I was feeling super sick, I hadn’t been able to eat in days.
My owner said Sidewalk Specials could take me, he wanted me to be ok see!
Vetpoint found a bone lodged in my throat, a wire in my belly & tick bite fever in my blood!
They says they can fix me though, if you can donate to my vet bill please use the donation options below and ref: Squiggle
Sidewalk Specials are PBO approved & can issue 18A tax certificates for all donations received!
When I’m better I’m gonna need a forever human too, if you’ve got room in your heart for a lil’Squiggle please email:
I’m an eight week old, male, mix of a mix of a mix, who’ll be medium sized when fully grown!
If you can’t adopt- please tag, comment & share!