We find most of our TVT (transmissible venereal tumor) patients at Steri Drive…fifteen in total at Steri Drive 10!
Spider, however, we spotted from the car…an advanced tumour but with an elderly owner who loves him very much!
We asked you to sponsor his chemotherapy treatment and three months later here he is- healthy & cancer free!
Our wonderful friends at Boland Dierekliniek satellite clinic offer us welfare chemotherapy prices at approx R400/$27/£20/€22 a treatment (most dogs require 6 – 12 treatments)
If you can sponsor a De Doorns dog’s chemotherapy treatment for R400/$27/£20/€22 please use the donation options below and ref: Chemo
Spider says a huge big thank you for saving his life!
Sidewalk Specials are PBO registered and can issue 18A tax certificates for all donations received!