Is something every dog rescue reads, daily! To confiscate seems simple, right? The dog is rescued, all is well…right?
But what about the dog that replaces it? No doubt doomed to the same fate as no education of the owner has taken place.
What about the dog that’s already in a shelter, who’s been waiting for years to get adopted, whose potential home this newly confiscated dog will take…?
In South Africa, shelters are filled to capacity & adoptions are at an all time low- uplifting dogs in their township homes, combined with mass sterilisation, is the only realistic solution for South Africa’s dogs!
If you can help Sidewalk Specials keep uplifting South Africa’s most vulnerable dogs please use any donation option below and ref: Uplift
Sidewalk Specials are PBO approved & can issue 18A tax certificates for all donations received!
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