Mishka was brought in as an emergency to last November’s Sidewalk Steri Clinic
She’d escaped her yard at night and been scalded with boiling water, something that frequently occurs when two dogs are mating and an alarmed human wants to separate them, not realising then cannot detach even if they wanted to
Due to the severity of her burn wounds and our concern about her safety at home, Mishka spent a few months recovering at our emergency vet. Whilst our team got to know her owners, sterilised and vetted her yard mates, and waited for her yard’s fences to be secured
Now we get to pop in and visit a happy, chonky, Mishka and her friends along with their grateful family!
Thank you to all who supported Mishka on this journey!
Because we listened and helped, rather than assumed and confiscated, we now have the trust of both her family and their neighbours – and twelve dogs from Mishra’s street will now be attending this Thursday’s Steri Clinic!!
If you can help Sidewalk Specials remain a lifeline for the dogs of De Doorns by making a once off donation, or by becoming a monthly donor, please use any donation option below
Sidewalk Specials are PBO approved and can issue Section 18A tax certificates for all donations received!
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