Parvo cases always fill rescuers with dread…
Knowing that with vet care the patients chances of survival increase dramatically, but also knowing that parvo is one of the most expensive and unpredictable viruses to treat
Sidewalk Specials don’t currently have the resources to cover Zeus’ vet bill…
If you follow our work you’ll have seen the waves of broken and sick dogs we’ve been met with this year. Those vet bills, combined with our mass sterilisation costs- well, without you guys none of it would have been possible!
But we know our supporters are dog loving humans, humans who don’t want us to give up, and humans who wouldn’t want us to turn a blind eye to Zeus’ suffering…
So we loaded his skinny little body up, assured his worried family that the vet would do their level best and asked them to say their goodbyes, just incase…
Zeus is currently undergoing treatment, his estimated costs being R6000 ($321/ £256/ €300/ AU$490). If you can help Sidewalk Specials cover his vet bill please use any donation option below
Sidewalk Specials are PBO approved and can issue Section 18A tax certificates for all donations received!
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