Thanks to your guys awesome support this year – this happy updates video could’ve gone on for hours – but here’s some highlights of the lives you’ve helped change in 2024! 🎉
Sidewalk Specials have been working within the De Doorns township for six years now, in that time have we have vetted, vaccinated and sterilised 1709 cats and 4437 dogs. This has resulted in an estimated 70% reduction in birth rate, a 90% reduction in the rate of stray animals in the area and an 80% reduction in reported cases of parvovirus and distemper 🙌🏻
In addition, Sidewalk Specials have provided emergency vet care to 1082 animals in urgent need, rehomed 474 surrendered/ confiscated animals, distributed 1034 kennels, unchained 213 dogs and facilitated more outreach interventions than we can count 😅
The positive impact within the De Doorns community is huge, as evidenced by a marked increase in the number of people actively seeking out assistance for their animals for sterilisation and veterinary care 👏
There’s fewer animals being chained, fewer free-roaming animals, reduction of dog bite injuries amongst the human and animal population as well as a lower uptake of new animals to households ✅
Furthermore, it is now widely accepted within the De Doorns community that pets who visit the Sidewalk Specials Steri Clinic live longer, are healthier and that sterilisation benefits an animals overall health and wellbeing ❤️
There is community pressure put on owners who refuse to sterilise, as owners now see unsterilised pets as a risk to their own animals – a significant cultural shift that has taken years to achieve. 🎉
None of this would have been possible without your guys support – sharing, donating, sponsoring, adopting, volunteering- you all made this possible and we couldn’t be more grateful! 🙏
If you can help Sidewalk Specials clear our outstanding 2024 vet bill and remain a lifeline for the dogs of De Doorns in 2025. Please use any donation option below 🐶💕
Sidewalk Specials are PBO approved and can issue 18A tax certificates for all donations received! ✅
Please share – the world needs some positivity on their timelines right now! ❤️ 🙏🏻