Video by Werner Kruse: Films and Photography
Vaccine Drive 1: we saw one dog euthanised due to distemper- 450 dogs were vaccinated against it.
Yesterday, Vaccine Drive 2, we had the heartbreaking job of putting thirty five distemper positive dogs out of their misery…
A further 525 dogs were vaccinated/ given boosters against the disease.
For R175/£8/€10/$12 we can vaccinate a dog and save them from a slow and painful death.
NexGard will match your donation with a free tick and flea treatment, Sidewalk Specials will deworm and provide antibiotics, our brave vets volunteer their time for free- spare them a thought, it’s not an easy job!
To sponsor a dog’s inoculation please use the donation options below and ref: Inoculate
Sidewalk Specials are PBO approved and can issue 18A tax certificates for all donations received!
Please help in anyway you can!