The plasma helped but in the end you were too weak…
The silver lining? Her brother and sister are feeling 500% better!
Now if you’re sat there wishing this would stop but you haven’t sponsored a sterilisation…well, that’s like wishing you’d win the lottery and not buying a ticket.
Meeney was from Witzenberg, if she, or her mother, or her mothers mother, had had even the most basic of inoculations she’d have stood a chance!
In memory of Meeney on sterilisation day we will not only be sterilising, dipping & deworming dogs- we will be inoculating each & every one of them too!
Sterilisation day is on the 11th Dec, we now have seven vets on board and are aiming for 80 sterilisations on the day, please watch to understand the dire situation this area is in and why we are determined to help.
Dancers Love Dogs are matching the money we raise (each sterilisation costs R450) so if you sponsor one steri we get two, sponsor four we get eight!
Cant afford a whole steri but can donate R50? Awesome! If everyone reading this did that we’d be able to sterilise the whole area!
Please donate whatever you can, it’s time to take control.
Over and out, Sidewalk Specials.