Welcome to Sidewalk Specials


Sidewalk Specials are a mass sterilisation unit and dog rescue based in the township of De Doorns, South Africa. We are PBO approved and can issue Section 18A certificates for donations received. NPC 2017/316326/08, NPO 230-918, PBO 930059565, UK CIC 9957429


De Doorns...
A Dutch word meaning The Thorns.
A small town situated in the spectacular Hex River Valley
of the Western Cape, South Africa
However, beyond one of the world's most picturesque valleys,
on the outskirts of the vineyards and luxury Cape Dutch homesteads,
lies Stofland
Stofland, meaning Land of Dust,
is an informal settlement fighting poverty, hardship,
and extreme weather conditions.
Life here is unforgiving,
not only for the people but for their dogs.
Each week, Sidewalk Specials visits this area.

Coming face to face with deadly canine diseases,
incidents of severe abuse and neglect,
and the realities of the economic crisis.
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Our Mission

Sidewalk Specials works through a culture of respect, education and upliftment, helping township families care for their pets, rather than simply removing them.

Free veterinary care

We provide free vet care with the understanding that sterilisation is mandatory.

Watch the team change the lives of the De Doorns’ township pet population!

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Sterilisation clinics

We run bi-weekly sterilisation clinics for impoverished township pet owners, in order to control overpopulation.

Watch Sidewalk Steri Clinic at work!

kennel outreach

By providing free kennels for families who have sterilised their dogs and proven to be responsible pet owners, we ensure that their animals are safe from the elements.

Watch soggy, cold township dogs receive their new, warm kennels!

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Weekly outreach

We conduct weekly outreaches and check-ups to integrate with the community, earn their trust and respect and educate the youth on a progressive culture of pet ownership and care.

Watch the Sidewalk team hard at work!


We address the need for education in impoverished communities by providing free, downloadable educational videos and worksheets.

Available in English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Tswana.

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We safely rehome dogs from cases of abuse and/or severe neglect where education and upliftment are not possible.

Watch our happy updates from 2024!


Rachael Sylvester

Founder and Director

Originally from Britain, Rachael founded Sidewalk Specials in 2016 with the aim of providing mass sterilization and veterinary services to underprivileged communities within South Africa. Responsible for operations, logistics, rehoming and editing.

Gary De Klerk

Head of Outreach

Head of Outreach, Gary keeps kits prepped, emergencies answered and the team safe on location.

Jessica Rose

Operations Manager

Rachael’s sidekick, Jess can be found editing rescue videos, running logistics on Steri Drive or participating on township outreach. Whatever is needed, Jess’ll be there!

Alongside our core team, Sidewalk Specials is made up of a community of highly skilled volunteers, vets, welfare specialists, lawyers, engineers, photographers, videographers, editors and caterers who donate their time for free. We are eternally grateful for their efforts!


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